In This Issue
The mile-long St. Croix River Crossing has the second extradosed bridge to be built in the United States as its main
unit. The structure was constructed by a joint venture of Ames Construction, which is featured in the Focus article on
page 6. The link leads to the Project article in the Fall 2018 issue of
ASPIRE® that describes in detail the St. Croix Crossing structure.
The Perspective article on resilient design on page 10 discusses the benefits of resilient design and how it differs
from sustainability or green design. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Guidelines for Performance-Based
Seismic Design of Buildings (FEMA P-58-6) can be downloaded from this website. Although the publication addresses seismic
performance of buildings, the principles are also applicable to transportation structures and any hazard event.
This website has a video showing a bird’s eye view of the construction progression of the Wekiva Parkway Bridges,
including those featured in the Project article on page 14.
As mentioned in the LRFD article on page 54, Article 5.13 of the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials’ AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications has
adopted the provisions for concrete anchorage from the American Concrete Institute’s
Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14)
and Commentary (ACI 318R-14). Under
the sponsorship of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, PCI developed a fivepart
webinar series for bridge engineers on the requirements for designing, detailing, and installing
concrete anchors. This link provides access to a Dropbox folder that contains the recorded webinar
series, course handouts, and resources.