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  In This Issue
The Perspective articles on pages 10 and 42 discuss strategies for workforce development, a critical topic within the transportation industry in general and the concrete bridge industry in particular. The PCI Workforce Development webpage and the Federal Highway Administration’s Every Day Counts EDC-7: Strategic Workforce Development webpage, available at the first and second link, respectively, offer a variety of resources and references on this topic.
The webpages at these links provide information about two projects designed by Consor, the subject of the Focus article on page 5. The webpage at the first link presents the benefits and successes of the Florida Department of Transportation’s strategic wildlife crossings. The second link leads to a project overview for the Interstate 35 Northeast Expansion Central Project near San Antonio, Tex. That overview includes links to the project’s social media pages, which provide additional construction pictures and videos.
This is a link to the Waterfront Seattle webpage for the Marion Street Pedestrian Bridge, which is the subject of the Project article on page 12. The webpage includes a link to a time-lapse video of portions of the construction, as well as project presentations.
The recently published PCI Journal article titled “Experimental Investigation of Multiple-Strand Lifting Loops” can be accessed via this link. This research project regarding lifting loops for precast concrete components and associated updates to the recently released 4th edition of the PCI Bridge Design Manual are discussed in the Concrete Bridge Technology article on page 31.
This is a link to the Concrete Bridge Engineering Institute’s website, which provides details and schedules of upcoming training programs as well as registration information. The initial offering of the Concrete Materials for Bridges course is the subject of the article on page 40.
This is a link to the Concrete Bridge Engineering Institute’s website, which provides details and schedules of upcoming training programs as well as registration information. The initial offering of the Concrete Materials for Bridges course is the subject of the article on page 40.
This is a link to the Federal Highway Administration’s “Concrete Clips” video on internal curing. The FHWA article on page 47 discusses internal curing of concrete decks and presents the Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2) initiative.
AASHTO recently published the Guide Specifications for Structural Design with Ultra-High Performance Concrete. This link leads to a webpage with a description of the publication, a link to the table of contents, and purchasing information. This new guide specification is mentioned in the LRFD article on page 44.
  Other Information
The National Cooperative Highway Research Program’s NCHRP Synthesis 620: Quality Processes for Bridge Analysis Models, available at this link, documents the current practices of state departments of transportation (DOTs) for quality assurance and quality control of structural analysis models. The synthesis discusses processes used by in-house DOT engineers for design and processes for quality control of designs performed by consultants and submitted to the DOT.
The National Concrete Bridge Council offers a free webinar series dedicated to high-quality concrete bridge construction and stewardship. The July webinar will cover “A Review of Precast Segmental Bridge Design Resources.” Visit this link to register for upcoming webinars or to view recordings of previous offerings.